We Heart our Kitty clients!
That’s why we won’t do every other day cat visits.

Double Trouble
Mele and Maka
We had a recent incident with a couple of kittens (no worries they’re okay) but it made me realize that we have policies in place for a reason.
Our cat sitting policy requires that all cats be checked on a minimum of once every 24 hours. It’s about providing you with the best cat care. We get the occasional call asking if we can stop by once every couple of days. They tell us they’ll leave out the extras. The extra litter box, the extra bowl of water, the extra bowl of food or we have an automatic feeder. They say their cats are aloof and we won’t see them anyways. They’ll be fine they say. Our answer is always no and here’s why.
These have happened to us:
- Kittens – need I say more! On a second visit only one of two kittens was there to greet us. Could hear the other kitten crying so we knew she was in trouble. She had somehow trapped herself inside a duvet cover. This could have been a real tragedy if we weren’t coming twice a day.
- Cat went inside the bedroom and closed the door on himself and his brother. Both cats were trapped without food, water or litter box.
- You think those cat fountains will be ok, well think again. Came into one cat sitting house on the first visit and heard a grinding motor sound, the fountain had run dry and the motor was very hot. This could have started a fire had we not been there.
- Batteries died on the automatic feeder. No food for you until you kitty sitter arrived.
- Client left for vacation and cat had somehow snuck out of the house. Found very cold and hungry cat on the porch at our first visit.
Although we have not personally experienced any of these other pet sitters have so I will share a few more reasons.
- Had collar stuck on jaw and could not free himself.
- Cleaning person accidentally let cat outside.
- Cat turned on stove.
- Cat became tangled in string toy.
- Cat was stuck inside box spring.
- There are endless possibilities of how cats can get themselves into trouble and require assistance form their cat sitter!

Don’t forget to book your cat sitter!
Cats are creatures of habit and like their routines. With once or twice a day visits they will maintain that. Cats are also masters of hiding their aliments; with daily visits we can monitor their eating, drinking and litter box habits.
It doesn’t matter if your cat is aloof, independent or social every cat will benefit from once a day visits.